Public Relations

An image of a cargo ship sailing across the ocean

How to Stop Worrying and Love AI: The Ongoing Challenges of Global Logistics

Logistics challenges have been ongoing this year, and port strikes could lead to a backlog that may last until mid-1Q25. The best way to navigate disruptions in logistics is through AI, but that topic is one of the reasons the strikes are occurring. Let's discuss why automation is necessary and how it will support teams, not replace them.

September 27, 2024
A graphic of a digital lock on a chipboard

The Growing Need for Robust Cybersecurity in the Semiconductor Industry

In the digital age, strong cybersecurity is necessary for all organizations, but especially the semiconductor industry where a successful data breach can risk a country's national security.

August 29, 2024
An image of a laptop user pressing a document icon

The Dawn of Artificial Intelligence Laptops is Here

With the rising popularity of AI a new generation of computers is on the horizon.

June 21, 2024
A close-up image of a circuit board

How to Manage the Complexity of Market Availability for Electronic Components

The electronic components supply chain is stabilizing but new challenges are affecting parts depending on node size.

April 5, 2024
A close-up image of a radar system

Establishing a Secure and Resilient Electronic Components Supply Chain for Aerospace and Defense Manufacturers

Industries such as aerospace and defense often suffer more during shortages due to weaknesses in the global supply chain. Aerospace and defense manufacturers must build strong, shortage-resilient supply chains starting with sustainable product design.

March 22, 2024
A picture of a microchip with several components soldered to its surface

Rising Obsolescence in Electronic Components and its Solutions

Component obsolescence is rising due to the global semiconductor shortage exacerbating pre-existing challenges. Organizations must remain aware of proactive strategies that can help stay on top of obsolescence.

March 7, 2024
An image displaying the risk score in OrCAD X Live BOM

Cadence Introduces OrCAD X Live BOM powered by Sourceability’s Datalynq

Sourceability and Cadence are working together to bring Datalynq's premier market intelligence into OrCAD X Live BOM to help engineers design smarter.

February 13, 2024
An image of someone typing on a laptop.

The Benefits of Predictive Procurement for Buying Electronic Components

To reduce wasted capital and tighten inventory management organizations should use predictive procurement to identify opportune buying windows in the electronic components market.

February 1, 2024
An image of chips on a completed and exposed chip board

Semiconductor Market Trends and How They Will Impact the 2024 Market

The semiconductor industry is poised for a rebound this year but billion-dollar weather events and ongoing geopolitical conflicts could exacerbate lingering challenges.

January 16, 2024
An image of neon lines criss-crossing in a digitalized space

Artificial Intelligence is Growing in Supply Chain Management

Artificial intelligence is growing in corporate workflows thanks to the popularity of generative artificial intelligence. AI can help simplify and streamline processes while optimizing employee productivity and here's how.

January 11, 2024
An aerial image of containers on a large transport ship

3 Key Practices for Handling Electronic Supply Chain Challenges in 2024

The electronic components supply chain is going through constant fluctuations and market changes. Here are 3 key practices on how to stay ahead of supply chain disruptions in 2024.

December 8, 2023
An image of skilled staff in a clean room looking at a computer

Data Analytics Will Strengthen the Electronic Component Supply Chain

Data-driven analytics are the key to strengthening the complex electronic component supply chain. These are the benefits you can expect to gain from utilizing data to drive your supply chain strategies.

November 16, 2023
An image of Datalynq's market intelligence score

How Real-Time Market Intelligence is Used to Determine Component Risk

Datalynq leverages real-time market data to determine component risks and future part availability with its intelligence scores. These help engineers become aware of possible risks early in the product design phase and will now be available in Cadence's OrCAD X Platform.

October 27, 2023
Cadence logo

Sourceability® and Cadence Partner to Provide Design Engineers with Unparalleled Electronic Component Market Intelligence

Integration enhances decision-making, mitigates supply chain risk and ensures design integrity

October 16, 2023
A hand holding a microchip with several transistors.

Product Lifecycle Management for Electronic Components

Electronic component lifespans are getting shortage, it's time to embrace produce lifecycle management for the electronic components utilized in your products.

September 14, 2023
A pile of microchips

A Rise in End-of-Life Components Will Follow the Global Semiconductor Shortage

After years of advanced semiconductor prioritization, an upcoming rise in EOL notices for legacy nodes could be on the horizon.

August 16, 2023
An image of the world on a digital map

Electronic Component Supply Chain Visibility is Imperative for Manufacturers

Without comprehensive supply chain visibility, manufacturers are more at risk of suffering from market shifts, disruptions, and macroeconomic pressures. This is how you gain better supply chain visibility.

July 21, 2023
Medical staff preparing for a procedure

The Dangers of Component Obsolescence in Stringent Industries

Component obsolescence is a challenge for all industries but for strict sectors like healthcare and defense it's a massive threat.

June 14, 2023
Image of the world connected by digitalization

5 Ways Digitalization Prevails Against Traditional Processes

How exactly does digitalization benefit an organization and what specifically does it prevent? All that and more in this deep dive.

May 25, 2023
Multi-Source Availability Risk Score

Sole Sources and Their Danger to Manufacturers

Sole source components are costlier and more prone to disruption due to their scarcity. Here are three tips to prevent them from entering your supply chain.

April 7, 2023
Datalynq's case management window

Component Case Management Is Necessary for Proactive Manufacturing

Forewarned is forearmed, but planning for disruptions before the warning signs appear is more beneficial for manufacturers in the long run. But how do you actively plan for mitigation before you know the disaster? You do it through case management.

March 27, 2023
Predictive analytics window

How Predictive Analytics Changes the Manufacturing Game

The traditional way of monitoring market trends isn't enough anymore. Forecasting future demand requires analyzing mountains of data for hours at a time, or does it?

February 15, 2023
An image of batteries being made on a manufacturing line

Datalynq's Market News - 2023 Industry Updates, Tech Breakthroughs, and More

Market news, updates, and trends all in one place.

December 28, 2022
Best of Sensors Award

Sourceability's Datalynq™ Wins 2022 Best of Sensors Award

Datalynq™, the electronic component industry’s premier source for market intelligence and analytics, was recognized as a winner in the Innovative Product Category for Data Acquisition & Analytics in the 2022 Best of Sensors Awards.

October 19, 2022
Datalynq logo

Understanding Electronic Components Shortage and Obsolescence Management in 2022

In this presentation, Sourceability Solutions Engineer Vernon Densler discusses the transaction data-fueled shortage and obsolescence management methods he developed over two decades that power Datalynq's digital platform.

October 19, 2022
Datalynq's all-in-one window

Why Datalynq's Electronic Components Market Intelligence is Invaluable

Datalynq offers electronic components market intelligence that can't be found anywhere else. Our custom solutions feature transactional data-driven insights into design risk, market availability, pricing, multi-source availability, and inventory trends.

October 19, 2022
Man using Datalynq's single window

The DoD Policy Update No OEM Can Afford to Ignore.

The U.S. Department of Defense recently issued DMSMS contract language guidance that mandates major changes to how OEMs handle their obsolescence and shortage case management. And the policy update comes with major financial consequences for unwary vendors.

October 19, 2022
Datalynq chip tackling shortages, obsolescence, end-of-life, and inactive

What Does Obsolescence Management Mean in 2022?

Due to paradigm-shifting events like the coronavirus pandemic and the global chip shortage, the meaning of obsolescence management has changed. OEMs need to update their methodologies to stay competitive in the worldwide marketplace.

October 19, 2022
Utilizing Datalynq's easy-to-use market information window

Why Every OEM Needs an Obsolescence Case Management Solution?

In today’s extremely volatile electronic components marketplace, OEMs need a dynamic obsolescence case management solution to avoid the costs of using high-risk parts.

October 19, 2022
Datalynq chip

Datalynq™ launches as a next-generation case management tool to improve the Global Supply Chain

The tool will help engineers and purchasers understand market availability and risk within the electronic component industry.

October 19, 2022

Why Excel Spreadsheets Are a Poor Case Management Solution?

Microsoft Excel is a great organizational solution for many projects, especially those maintained by a single person. However, the 34-year-old spreadsheet program is not as effective in dealing with complex tasks like case management.

October 19, 2022

How the Shortage Market is Creating More Obsolescence and Counterfeiting

Since late 2020, the semiconductor industry has operated in a shortage market that has disrupted production, driven up prices, and greatly extended lead times worldwide. Those conditions have also increased electronic component obsolescence and counterfeiting.

July 28, 2022